
Perseverance. Ambition. Consistency. Endurance. 

LavaFit is excited to be back home in HAWAII! 

P.A.C.E. is a little bit of everything! This program will never let your body grow complacent - your muscles will never know what to expect, so they (and you) will be continually challenged. 
P.A.C.E. combines metabolic conditioning and strength training using bodyweight movements, plyometrics, circuits, dumbbells, Barre, and cardio.
Remove the hassle of creating your own workouts and focus on having fun and reaching your goals. Your coach will create each workout and also track your progress. All workouts have scaling options to support your personal level of fitness.

*Need at least 4 members to form the Session. 
Class is capped at 8 members so I can offer each member appropriate modifications and corrections to movement. 

7 Week Session
MWF @ 8:15am 

$170 for 12 Class PACE PASS

SIGN UP: please email
**Members of PACE receive a discounted rate for Private Training! 

As a certified Fitness Instructor, private sessions are my favorite. They will be personalized for your specific fitness goals while also balancing exercise and nutrition. Depending on your goals, Private Sessions are a combination of resistance with weights and bands, bodyweight training, cardio, and flexibility.

WHERE: My house or yours*

Valentine's Special (price good through Feb 28, 2024): 
Six 30-minute private workouts for $120
*to be used within 2 months of purchase to encourage consistency

$45/45-minute session
$30/30-minute session
*Discount when purchasing a package

LET'S DO THIS! please email


WHAT: 12-week Online Nutrition Program designed specifically for you by a Certified Precision Nutrition Coach
- Program developed for YOUR goals to include nutrition, mind and body
- Eat without deprivation or guilt
- This is NOT a diet. This is sustainable nutrition for your everyday life
- Weekly check-ins to provide support and accountability 
- Gain energy, lose weight, improve your life

READY TO BEGIN! please email

🎄Healthy Through the Holidays Nutrition Program 🎆 
With the holidays approaching, I'm offering a 25-day program to help you create healthy holiday habits.

Participate from anywhere in the world 🗺 - spread the word to friends and family and get healthy together!

WHEN: November 21- December 16
WHATThis program is a nutrition group instead of one-on-one coaching. A private Facebook group will offer accountability, weekly goals/challenges, helpful tips, yummy recipes, mind and body wellness advice, and much more!
After 25 days, you'll be more confident and ready to stay on track while also enjoying Christmas and New Year's!
Program sign up: $30, please email

Don't let this summer derail all your progress! 
Participate from anywhere in the world - spread the word to friends and family and get healthy together. 

WHEN: June 1- July 31
WHAT: A simplified, point-based nutrition structure with a focus on eating real food, not too much and mostly plants. 
HOW: Accountability through weekly check-ins and a private FaceBook group to interact with others and post your daily/weekly points. Also, weekly posts with a new goal/focus and practices/lessons to reach that goal. 

Questions? Email me:

Think positive. Eat better. Exercise often. Feel good!


This has been in the works for a while! Over the past 9 years, I've created and coached several CrossFit Kids Programs and am excited to use my certification and knowledge to begin a LavaFit Kids class, in Hawaii! 
When I created LavaFit, my oldest was 9 months old. He is now almost 12 and has spent his whole life watching workouts and learning the proper technique for movements, same with my 10 year old daughter. I've seen how movement builds their confidence and makes them happier. Movement makes us all feel better- the more kids move, the healthier they'll be physically AND mentally. 

Each class will have a specific focus followed by a fun workout and we'll always end with an exciting game. The main goal is to make exercise fun, yet challenging! 
sent in separate email
Please email
* Membership is limited to 6 members


You have the motivation to workout on your own, but you do not like creating new workouts?... let me program them for you! 
All workouts are easily modified, and I'll send video tutorials to show and explain each movement.

WHAT: 8 different workouts over the course of 4 weeks, combining metabolic conditioning and strength training using bodyweight movements, plyometrics, dumbbells, and cardio. 

SIGN UP: please email

Visit LavaFit's YouTube Channel for FREE workouts and tutorials. 
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE and FOLLOW! 

Follow @LavaFit on FaceBook and Instagram for updated information.

(Currently not in Progress)
WHEN: Monday, August 24 @ 7:30 Hawaii Time
WHERE: Zoom 
- Try it out, then sign up for the LavaFit Virtual 4-week Session

(Currently not in progress)
LavaFit is excited to be in Tennessee! 
AIM is a high intensity interval training (HIIT) program. This program will never let your body grow complacent - your muscles will never know what to expect, so they (and you) will be continually challenged. 
AIM combines metabolic conditioning and strength training using bodyweight movements, plyometrics, dumbbells, barre and running.
Remove the hassle of creating your own workouts and focus on having fun and reaching your goals. Your coach will create each workout and also track your progress. All workouts have scaling options to support your personal level of fitness.
*No class if two or less sign up for each class. 
WHEN: MWF @ 9:15am, please contact for more info and location

(Currently not in progress)
LavaFit's first New England fitness class. Welcome back to school and new routines and challenges! FIT is a 6-week HIIT (high intensity interval training) challenge. 
This 6-week program will never let your body grow complacent - your muscles will never know what to expect, so they (and you) will be continually challenged. It combines strength training, using dumbbells and body weight, with intervals of plyometric movements. 
Remove the thought of creating your own workouts and focus on having fun and meeting your goals. Your coach will create each workout and will also track your progress. All workouts have scaling options to support your personal level of fitness.

WAHINE HOLO HUI (Women's Running Group)
(Currently not in progress)
Come run with Lava Fit's Holo Hui, because running with friends is more fun!
Runs every Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30am
ALL paces welcome - come walk, jog or run! No pace is "too slow"
Runs will end with stretching/cool down
Jogger strollers welcome
Led by certified fitness instructor

(Currently not in progress)
WHAT: A balanced workout every Friday morning incorporating cardio, conditioning and flexibility in a 45-minute class.
WHERE: Contact for information

I believe in family fitness and want you to bring your kids so they can see what an awesome role model their parent is! In order to keep everyone safe and also maintain a structured workout, I would appreciate if parents share my rules with their kiddos prior to class. Please make sure your child/children stay out of the adult workout area and not touch any of the equipment (yoga mats, weights, etc).


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