
Showing posts from July, 2022

Back to School: New PACE Pass Session

 So many emotions and things to think about when it's time to go back to school...  1. Earlier wake up times 2. Breakfast 3. Making lunch 4. More ME time :)  I just made a recipe that'll help with #2 (Starbucks CopyCat Egg Bites), and a new session of P.A.C.E will help with #4. The rest is on you :)  PACE BACK TO SCHOOL SESSION - Perseverance, Ambition, Consistency, Endurance WHAT : 6-week session of PACE 45-60 minute workouts, outside in beautiful Hawaii. Workouts gradually increase in intensity, so consistency is a must :) WHEN : There will be AT LEAST 12 classes to attend during the 6 weeks (possibly more!).  Classes will be a combination of M/W/F @8:15am I will send a GroupMe message the day before each workout to verify attendance. Need at least 2 members to create each class.  MEMBERSHIP :  10 Class PACE Pass. If you complete all 10 classes before the end of 6 weeks, each class after is discounted.  Pass expires on Sept 16, 2022. C...