'Ohana Runners: weekly community runs

 I have always loved running with other people. It's how I've met some of my best friends, where I've heard some of the most amazing stories... and all of that makes the time pass while breaking a sweat! 

Now that most/all of us are vaccinated, it's time to get back together (outdoors) and enjoy our wonderful town and people again! We'll plan to meet once a week, in the evening, in varying locations for a short but sweet run. This is not intended to be a race/training group, depending on your average pace will determine what time you begin, so we can all end together ... in the words of Stitch, "Ohana means Family, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten."

Join the Private OHANA RUNNERS Group on Facebook to get info on weekly runs. 

LATE NOTICE BUT FIRST GROUP RUN IS THIS EVENING, JULY 7! Join the FB group for time and location.


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