NEW! Lava Your Body: A Summer Nutrition Challenge

 NEW! Lava Your Body, a summer nutrition challenge, open to any and all! 
Summer isn't a reason to lose all the progress you've made throughout the year. Stick to it and stay motivated!

Participate from anywhere in the world- spread the word to friends and family, near and far, and get healthy together. 

Lava Your Body is not restrictive or super competitive (I do not agree with 'diets' and there won't be any prizes at the end, other than feeling good). It'll be a way to stay on track this summer and provide accountability during a time when structure is lacking... and maybe form new, healthy habits too. Plus, nutrition is the base for everything fitness related! 

WHEN: June 1- July 31, 2021

WHAT: A simplified, point-based nutrition structure with a focus on eating real food, not too much and mostly plants. 

HOW: Accountability through weekly check-ins and a private FaceBook group to interact with others and post your daily/weekly points. Also, weekly posts with new goals/focuses and practices/lessons to reach that goal.

SIGN UP: Venmo @Erin-Martinez-26 by May 23

Questions? Email me:


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