Perseverance. Ambition. Consistency. Endurance = PACE

6- Week Session Begins March 23!
Limited to 10 members.

Perseverance. Ambition. Consistency. Endurance. 

LavaFit is excited to be back home in HAWAII! 

P.A.C.E. is a little bit of everything! This conditioning program is designed to never let your body grow complacent. Each workout is created to contribute to a significant improvement in body composition over time. 
P.A.C.E. combines metabolic conditioning, strength training, plyometrics, circuits, and barre.
Remove the hassle of creating your own workouts and focus on having fun and reaching your goals. Your coach will create each workout and also track your progress. All workouts have scaling options to support your personal level of fitness.

*Need at least 5 members to create the class.  

WHEN: Beginning March 23 - April 29. 
            Tuesday and Thursday @ 9:15am. 
            Please contact for more info and location

SIGN UP: Sign up closes on Sunday, March 21. Please email          to register. 


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