Cheers to 2014

Another year is almost in our past- WOW... I hope yours was healthy and happy. If not, here's to 2014!

Here are a couple articles that stuck with me and why.

Foods Even the Experts Won't Eat
The Farm Director won't eat Nonorganic potatoes.  I buy organic for most fruits and veggies, especially the ones where we eat the skin. But I didn't necessarily think about potatoes (since I usually peel them), and we love us some roasted sweet potatoes!

Things I Want My Daughter to Know About Working Out
- Little eyes are always watching. Obviously, our children are the future of the world. What do we want to pass onto them? Negativity... of course not. They not only hear what we say, but they observe what we do. I will teach my daughter the joy of working out and all the benefits it provides.

Yep, Organic milk really is better for you than regular milk
- The reason organic milk is healthier comes down to its ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids, which is lower than in regular milk. I have been buying organic milk for quite some time since it does not contain Bovine growth hormone. However, having a genetic predisposition to heart disease, it's nice to know my family is consuming heart-healthy milk too.

CrossFit - New Research Puts Popular Workout to the Test
- Like other high-intensity interval-training (HIIT) workouts, one can expect greater increases in aerobic capacity than what is seen with traditional aerobic training, which is typically performed well below an individual's anaerobic threshold.  I began incorporating CrossFit into my workout routine this past August. Then became a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer in September. I run most days and use my 2-3 CrossFit workouts as cross-training. Since starting, I've become a stronger runner and also mentally and physically stronger. I know it gets a bad rap sometimes... bottom line, find what works for you.

Here's to you and your health in 2014... small changes can make a big difference.
Lava your life!


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