Get up and Get going!

A morning workout triggers feel-good endorphins and lowers elevated stress hormones. The effects can last six to eight hours, says Gregory Florez, a spokesperson for the American Council on Exercise, in Salt Lake City: "Morning exercisers tend not to have midmorning slumps and are sharper mentally than if they hadn't exercised." You'll get the most bang for your energy buck, he says, with a workout that includes both cardio and strength training. (From Real Simple Magazine)

With that said, tomorrow at CCF (Cardio+Conditioning+Flexibility) we'll be doing a circuit workout including weights, resistance bands and calisthenics. Following Conditioning will be 30 minutes of Pilates with Harmony Pilates. Come at 8am to get in a short jog/run before Conditioning at 8:30am.
See you then ~ Lava Your Life!


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